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Alocasia 'Red Mambo' - 4" Pot
4" Pot

Alocasia 'Red Mambo' - 4" Pot

$ 49.99
Botanical Name: Alocasia Azlanii Common Names: Jewel Alocasia, Red Mambo Description: This rare Alocasia features glossy dark green leaves with vibrant pink/red veining. New leaves will slowly unfurl and are green with red veins....
Alocasia 'Red Secret'
4" Pot6" Pot

Alocasia 'Red Secret'

$ 24.99
Botanical Name: Alocasia cuprea ‘Red Secret’ Common Names: Red Secret Alocasia, Elephant Ears Description: The Alocasia 'Red Secret' features intricate metallic green and red-toned leaves with deep ridges and an ultra-glossy shine.  
Alocasia 'Regal Shield'
4" Pot6" Pot

Alocasia 'Regal Shield'

$ 26.99 – $ 39.99
Botanical Name: Alocasia odorax Alocasia reginula (hybrid) Common Names: Regal Shields, Elephant Ears Description: The Alocasia Polly also known as the African Mask or Elephant Ear is all about the unusual and...
Alocasia 'Serendipity'
4" Pot6" Pot

Alocasia 'Serendipity'

$ 26.99 – $ 39.99
Botanical Name: Alocasia Hybrid Common Names: Alocasia Serendipity, Black Elephant Ear Description: Alocasia Serendipity is a tall plant with large, heart-shaped purplish-green leaves with very dark purple undersides. The stems and...
Alocasia 'Silver Dragon'
4" PotBlack Cylinder - 4" PotWhite Cylinder - 4" PotTerra Cotta - 4" Pot6" PotBlack Cylinder - 6" PotWhite Cylinder - 6" PotTerra Cotta - 6" Pot

Alocasia 'Silver Dragon'

$ 49.99 – $ 69.99
Botanical Name: Alocasia baginda Common Names: Silver Dragon Description: With leaves that are light green to silvery with dark-green veins. Each heart-shaped leaf stands on an upright stem. The plant prefers to stay...
Alocasia 'Silver Dragon' - Silver Dragon Alocasia - 4.5 Inch
4.5" Nursery Pot

Alocasia 'Silver Dragon' - Silver Dragon Alocasia - 4.5 Inch

$ 19.99
Alocasia 'Silver Dragon': A Majestic Addition Your newest Alocasia obsession! The Alocasia ‘Silver Dragon’ boasts thicker, more rigid leaves than it’s cousins but it’s most spectacular feature is it’s silver...
Alocasia 'Tiny Dancer' - 4" Pot
4" Pot

Alocasia 'Tiny Dancer' - 4" Pot

$ 26.99
Botanical Name: Alocasia Tiny Dancer Common Names: Tiny Dancer Description: With playful, gently curving stalks and small cupped leaves make it stand out against your collection. Tiny Dancer is a fast grower, shooting...
6" Nursery Pot4'' Nursery Pot

Alocasia Amazonica 'African Mask Plant' Polly

$ 19.99 – $ 34.99
Discover the exotic Alocasia Amazonica, often referred to as the 'African Mask Plant' or 'Alocasia Polly.' We love this plant for its distinctively striking, shield-shaped leaves, which are a deep...
Alocasia Amazonica 'Bambino' - 4" Pot
4" Pot6" Pot

Alocasia Amazonica 'Bambino' - 4" Pot

$ 24.99
Botanical Name: Alocasia Amazonica Common Names: Bambino Description: The Alocasia Amazonica ‘Bambino’ has narrow, arrowhead-shaped, green leaves with pronounced white veins. The backsides of the leaves are burgundy.. The Alocasia Amazonica is a unique houseplant...
Alocasia baginda 'Dragon's Scale' - Dragon's Scale Alocasia 4.5 Inch

Alocasia baginda 'Dragon's Scale' - Dragon's Scale Alocasia 4.5 Inch

$ 29.99
Alocasia Baginda 'Dragon's Scale': A Mystical Addition to Your Plant Collection Alocasia baginda 'Dragon's Scale' is a stunning variety of Alocasia fresh into our shop. Not to be confused with...
Alocasia bisma 'Platinum' - Platinum Alocasia - 4.5 Inch
4.5'' Nursery Pot

Alocasia bisma 'Platinum' - Platinum Alocasia - 4.5 Inch

$ 24.99
Platinum Elephant Ear: A Showstopper in Any Space Brand spanking new on the scene, the Platinum Elephant Ear is taking our shop by storm. Large arrowhead-shaped foliage grows to upwards...
Alocasia brancifolia - Narrow Leaf Elephant Ear - 4.5 Inch
4.5'' Nursery Pot

Alocasia brancifolia - Narrow Leaf Elephant Ear - 4.5 Inch

$ 39.99
Green Your Space with the Narrow Leaf Elephant Ear The Narrow Leaf Elephant Ear is a striking variation from the typical elephant-ear-shaped foliage you may know and love from the...